~5 minute read
What is changing in the Client Record?
Clients aren’t going anywhere. We have just added some additional capabilities to the client record that will open up future possibilities for clients, contacts, and client groups.
Individual Client Records
Let's compare the current individual client record with the new client record on the Client & Contact structure.
You will notice the left-side information panel is slightly different.
You can still find your basic client info at the top including filing status, client owner, client since, tags, and more, but now all the client information lives in one box at the top of the panel.
The rest of your client record will stay the same. Your home tab dashboard isn’t changing, and you will retain all the same tabs you are used to at the top like files, tasks, etc.
Contacts are automatically created during the migration process from a few different channels. Once migrated you can expand each contact to view their information and send client portal invites.
First, a primary contact will be created for all individual clients using the client data, including the first and last name, birthday, email, phone number, address, and social security number. *This applies only to individual clients, a primary contact is not required for business clients.
Please Note: If you have your clients set up with the spouse's name as part of the first, middle, and last name, your primary contact will also include the spouse's name. This also applies to any other data like numbers in the name field
You will also be able to add contacts from your linked clients based off your migration settings. We dive into the settings for linked clients here.
Client Portal Users
The next way contacts are created is from any currently active client portal users on a client record.
If you have invited client portal users to your individual or business clients, during the migration process these users will be added as contacts.|
Heads Up! Canopy will also attempt to match contacts with any contacts created previously through this process. Contacts with the same name, dob, email, etc. will be merged as one contact.
The name and email address associated with the client portal are used to create the contact.
A few things to note:
The client portal users have to be active for the contact to be migrated as a contact. Pending invitations will not be migrated. The pending client portal users that cannot be linked with the client will be expired and we will provide a .csv (available through the restructure guide and emailed as part of the migration process) with all the pending invitations so you can re-invite them after migration.
If the email your client uses for the client portal is different than any of the emails (primary, work, personal etc) used to create the primary contact an additional contact will be created. You can add the data to the correct contact and then archive the duplicate contact after the migration if needed.
Business Clients
Business client record pages are organized essentially the same way.
All the business info, including contact details like email and phone number, will live in the client info section.
Any client portal users will be added as contacts. If the contact has been created for another client, Canopy will link that contact to all clients they are associated with.