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Linked Clients Settings
Updated this week

~8 minute read

In our current client structure, you may have linked clients such as a spouse, dependent, or important client. Through this migration process, you will select how you want each of these linked clients to migrate over.

As a reminder: Any active client portal user in a client record will be migrated over as a contact.

To navigate to a specific example click on one of these links:



Important Individual Client:

Client Portal Users

As noted previously, ALL client portal users will be added as contacts.

One thing to keep in mind: If the spouse, dependent, or important client is added to the client portal with a different email address than any address* listed on their client record, a duplicate contact will be created.

For example: JIll Smith is listed as a linked spouse on John Smith’s client record with the email [email protected]*. Jill was also invited to the client portal but with a different email address. When the contacts are migrated over to the new client and contact structure Jill Smith is listed twice.

Don’t worry, you can add any data you want to the correct contact and then archive the duplicate contact in the contact list.

*The address can be listed as any type- primary, personal, work, or other and will not create a duplicate.

Linked Active Client Records

All linked clients with an active Client record will be linked as a connection on the client record. You can choose to add active clients with an active client record as a contact as well.

Possible use cases for this could include:

  • Active Spouse: All spouses are added as a contact automatically but can also be kept as a connection if they are active clients.

  • Active Dependent: You can choose whether or not they want to add as a contact in the settings but either way, the client will also stay linked in the connections area since it's an active record.

  • Active Individual Important Client: choose whether or not they want to add as a contact in the settings but either way the client will also stay linked in the connections area since it's an active record.


If you have a spouse linked on the client record, we will automatically add the spouse as a contact on the client record during the migration process.

When a contact is created, it is created using their name, phone number, email address, DOB, SSN, Occupation, and employer.

If the spouse linked is an active client or if you choose to keep inactive spouses as a client in the migration process, both spouses will be added to each other’s record as contacts.

Additionally, you will see their client record as a connection down below with the description of “Spouse”. You can see that Robert and Sarah are both active clients. On the client record, Sarah is listed in the contacts section and is also linked under connections.

Heads Up! All custom fields, notes, tags, etc. included on the client record will remain on the spouse’s client record. If you wish to keep all this information, we suggest you not choose to archive inactive spouse records. You will be able to collect and move over any data to the new client record and archive inactive records after you complete your migration.

Let's Select your Spouse migration setting:

Add the new spouse contact and archive the previously inactive linked record

The default setting in the migration process is to add the spouse as a contact and archive the inactive client record.

As you can see in this example Jennifer Davis was added as a contact. You can expand her contact record to see all her information. Her inactive client record will be archived, which means you will not find her in your client list, but you can access her client record at any time in the archived client list.

You can also choose to unarchive this client record if you choose to make her record an active client.

Add the new spouse contact and retain the inactive linked record

If you choose to retain inactive spouses client record in the migration process, both spouses will be added to each other’s records as contacts.

You can see in this example Sarah Brown is listed as the spouse in Robert’s contacts. Additionally, you will see their client record as a connection down below with the description of “Spouse”.

You can click on Sarah to view her client record. You will notice that Robert is on Sarah’s contacts and under the connections listed as a spouse.


Add the new dependent contact and archive inactive linked record

The default setting is to add the dependent as a contact and archive the inactive client record. Keep in mind that any custom fields, notes, or tags will also be archived when you archive the client record.

Jimmy and Layla contact.png

Add the new dependent as a contact and retain inactive linked record

You have the option to add the contact and retain the inactive client record. This is helpful if you have notes or custom fields you would like to view in a client record. When you retain the inactive client record it will be linked as a connection on the current client record.

Do not add the new dependent contact and retain inactive linked record

You may decide you do not want to add the dependent as a contact. In this case, you can select this setting and the information will be saved in an inactive client record. You can view this record at any time in the client list.

Important Clients

Add the new contact and archive the previously inactive linked record

The default setting is to add the important client as a contact and archive the inactive client record. Keep in mind that any custom fields, notes, or tags will also be archived when you archive the client record.

Add the new contact and retain the inactive linked record

You have the option to add the contact and retain the inactive client record. This is helpful if you have notes or custom fields you would like to view in a client record. When you retain the inactive client record it will be linked as a connection on the current client record.

Do not add the new contact and retain the inactive linked record

You may decide you do not want to add the dependent as a contact. In this case, you can select this setting and the information will be saved in an inactive client record. You can view this record at any time in the client list.

Next, read Client Name Settings here!

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