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Client Name Settings
Updated this week

~3 minute read

In the new Client and Contact structure each client is given a unique Client Name. As you select your migration settings you want to choose a naming convention that best suits your firm's needs. Keep in mind that the naming structure you choose will determine how your clients are organized on your client list.

For example here is a client list organized by Last Name, First Name.

Please Note: if your clients are synced to QBO your QBO display name will automatically be used for this setting.

InIndividual Clients

For individual clients, the current client structure has separate first and last name fields, with the option to have a display name. As we migrate to the new Client and Contact structure we have one Client Name. This is the name that will show up throughout the app and how you will sort your client list.

Heads Up!
For all of these settings, you want to think about how you currently have your clients organized and select the setting that makes the most sense moving forward. The new client name will be populated using the first and last name from your current client record.

Set my client names to be {Last Name}, {First Name}

Set my client names to be {First Name} {Last Name}

Keep in mind If you have included Spouse names or nicknames in the first name of your client those will be included in the new client name.

Default to display name if it exists, otherwise use {First Name} {Last Name}

If you currently use display names you can choose to default to the display name first. This is helpful if you include any nicknames or spouse names in your display name that you would like to use as the client name.

If a client doesn’t have a display name set, it will default to the First Name, Last Name.

Default to display name if it exists, otherwise use {Last Name}, {First Name}

If a client doesn’t have a display name set, it will default to the Last Name, First Name.

Business Clients

You have a couple of options for your business client’s client name as well. For Business clients, the client name is pulled from the Company Name you have on your current client record.

Default my client name to display name if it exists, otherwise use the company name

You can choose to default to the display name and if you have display names for your business clients that name will be used to create the client name.

Only use the company name

If you don’t want to use display names for your business clients you can use this option to only use the company name.

Next, check out Client Facing Name Settings here!

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