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Analyze the Profitability Report
Updated over 6 months ago

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Billing reports are designed to show you a detailed breakdown of different billing metrics in Canopy.
​The profitability report shows the total profit for each task in Canopy using Time, Labor Cost, and Amount Billed.

1. Navigate to Billing from the global navigation bar

2. Click Reports

3. Click on Profitability

Group By:

  • Client

  • Client Group

  • Service Item


Client Group:

Service item:

Filter By:

  • This week

  • This month

  • Last month

  • This quarter

  • Last quarter

  • Year to date (default)

  • Last year

  • Custom


Owner of the client.

Time Tracked By:

The team member who tracked hours for the client.

1. Click on the client name

2. Expand the service item

3. Expand Tasks if needed

Total Hours:

Total hours tracked for each client.

Billed Hours:

Hours that have been added to an invoice.

Billable Amount:

Calculated by multiplying the rate by the duration of the time entries.

Adjusted Amount:

Calculated by taking the billed amount less the billable amount.

Billed Amount:

The amount that has been billed to the customer (For the most accurate reporting, ensure that time entries are linked to invoices).

Labor Cost:

Team member's hourly rate multiplied by the hours tracked.


The amount owed by a customer.

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