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Files can be uploaded to three different areas in Canopy:
Client Files
Internal Files
My Files
File Compatibility:
File Type: .bmp .csv .doc .docx .emf .eml .heic .htm .html .jp2 .jpeg .jpg .mkv .mov .mp4 .msg .ods .odt .pdf .png .ppt .pptx .rtf .tif .tiff .txt .xls .xlsm .xlsx .xod .xps
Max File Size: 4.999342 GB
Folders: Folders must be compressed or zipped. Unzipped folders will not be uploaded.
Upload to Client Files
Client Files shows you a complete list of all client files within Canopy. To upload a file or folder to an already existing client, you will need to find the client's folder on the Client Files page. To get started, click Files on the global navigation bar and choose Client Files from the slide-in menu.
Working with Files Over 100MB in Canopy:
Files larger than 100MB will not be scanned for viruses.
You can still download these files, but you’ll need to confirm a warning that the file hasn’t been scanned.
Some actions will not be available for files over 100MB. These include:
Previewing the file
eSigning the file
Annotating the file
Adding pages to the file
Editing the file through the Canopy Desktop Assistant
Combining files
Using the file to create an eSign template
This change only applies to new files uploaded to Canopy. Existing files over 100MB in your account won’t be affected.
1. Double-click on a client's folder in Client Files.
2. Go to the Add button.
3. Click Upload file or drag and drop files into the file modal.
4. Select a file from your computer.
Depending on your computer’s operating system, your upload options may differ.
Your uploaded file will show up on the screen.
Upload to Internal Files
Internal Files are files and folders shared among you and your team only. Clients will not be granted access to these folders. To get started, click Files on the global navigation bar.
1. Choose Internal Files from the slide-in menu.
2. Go to the Add button and click Upload file or drag and drop files into the main screen.
3. Select a file from your computer.
Depending on your computer’s operating system, your upload options may differ.
Your uploaded file will show on the screen.
Upload to My Files
Access to anything uploaded to the My Files page is restricted to the individual practitioner. To get started, click Files on the global navigation bar.
1. Click My Files.
2. Go to the Add button and click Upload file or drag and drop files into the main screen.
3. Select a file from your computer.
Depending on your computer’s operating system, your upload options may differ.
Your uploaded file will show on the screen.