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Recurring Task Examples
Updated over 6 months ago

Completion = Once the status is set to complete, a new task will be generated right away.
Due Date Scheduled = Tasks are generated on a specific schedule based on the task’s due date. This will help you not to clog up your task list with tasks that you don't need to see/work on yet.

Completion Date Examples:

Important Note: If the task is not complete, and it's past the due date of the next series, it will skip the series and go to the most current week.


We've set up a task to recur every week for "Weekly Bookkeeping". We added a Start date of July 31st, 2024, and a Due date of August 2nd, 2024.

Once that task is set to "Completed", a new one will be generated right away with a new Start date of August 7th, 2024, and a new Due date of August 9th, 2024.

Now, if we complete the new task, the next one will be generated right away with a new Start date of August 14th, 2024, and a Due date of August 16th, 2024.


We've set up a monthly task to recur for "Monthly Bookkeeping". We added a Start date of July 31st, 2024, and a Due date of August 5th, 2024.

Once that task is set to "Completed", a new one will be generated right away with a new Start date of August 31st, 2024, and a new Due date of September 5th, 2024.

Now, if we complete the new task, the next one will be generated right away with a new Start date of September 30th, 2024, and a Due date of October 5th, 2024.


We've set up a task to recur every 3 months for "Quarterly Bookkeeping". We added a Start date of July 1st, 2024, and a Due date of September 30th, 2024.

Once that task is set to "Completed", a new one will be generated right away with a new Start date of October 1st, 2024, and a new Due date of December 30th, 2024.

Now, if we complete the new task, the next one will be generated right away with a new Start date of January 1st, 2025, and a Due date of March 30th, 2025.


We've set up a task to recur Yearly for "1040 Return". We added a Start date of March 1st, 2024, and a Due date of April 15th, 2024.

Once that task is set to "Completed", a new one will be generated right away with a new Start date of March 1st, 2025, and a new Due date of April 15th, 2025.

Hate seeing tasks that are way in the future and you don't want to see them yet? The next section is going to be your best friend!

Due Date Scheduled

Important Note: The previous task does not have to be completed using the 'Due Date Schedule. The task will generate no matter what when it's reached its schedule rule.


We've set up a task to recur every week for "Weekly Bookkeeping". We added a Due date of August 2nd, 2024, and to create the task 3 days before the Due Date.

The next weekly task will not be generated until August 6th, 2024.


We've set up a monthly task to recur for "Prior-Month Bookkeeping". We added a Due date of August 10th, 2024 and to create the task 10 days before the Due Date.

The next Monthly task will not be generated until August 31st, 2024.


We've set up a task to recur every quarter for "Quarterly Financial Report". We added a Due date of September 30th, 2024 and to create the task 5 days before the Due Date.

The next quarterly task will not be generated until December 25th, 2024.


We've set up a task to recur every year for "1040 Tax Return". We added a Start Date of April 1st, 2024 a Due Date of April 15th, 2024 and to create the task 15 days before the Due Date.

The next Yearly task will not be generated until March 31st, 2025.

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