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Import Clients to Canopy
Updated over a week ago

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You are welcome to export a .CSV file from your previously utilized software and then upload it to Canopy.

Importing clients to Canopy involves uploading a .CSV file, mapping headers from the .CSV file to attributes in Canopy, and then importing those to the system. If you are going through Implementation, be sure to attend your meeting to go over the requirements!

As a best practice, separate your individual clients from businesses and import them separately.

Upload the .CSV File

In order to import your existing clients into Canopy, you will need to export all of your clients into a .CSV (Comma Separated Value) file.

Please note that if you are using the free version of Canopy, you will not be able to perform a bulk import of clients.

1. Navigate to the Client List in Canopy and click on the Options menu.


2. Select Import clients from the dropdown menu.


3. Select the applicable option from the Select previous software drop-down menu.

  • If none of the options fit, click Other.

  • If needed, scroll down to read specific tips for how to successfully export to a CSV file from your previous software.

  • With most software, you will need to export a form of Custom Report.

  • When compiling a custom report, select each column you wish to include. The Canopy Import Templates can help you understand what you will need to export.

4. Select the type of client list you plan to import.

  • It is important to separate Individual clients from Businesses.

  • If you have both types of clients, you will need to upload two .CSV files.


5. Click Upload from computer.

Alternatively, you can drag and drop a file from your computer to the designated section in Canopy.


6. Click Next.


Map Headers to Attributes

All headers from your .CSV file need to be mapped to attributes in Canopy or dismissed before your data can be imported to Canopy.

1. Click the checkbox in line with the mapping template you would like to use.

  • To start this process, you will need to have uploaded a .CSV file according to the steps listed in the previous section. Once your .CSV file has been uploaded, you will see a pop-up window prompting you to map your .CSV headers.

  • If the listed template options do not match, check Map Manually.


2. Click Map.


3. The headers from your .CSV file will display across the screen.

  • These headers are meant to be for your information while you map headers to Canopy attributes.

  • The headers of your .CSV file will not import.

4. Under Canopy Attributes, select the correct attribute from the drop-down menu that best fits the information listed in each column.

  • The headers listed above from your .CSV file can help guide what attribute to assign to each column.

  • The goal of this process is to match the header from your .CSV to the attribute from the drop-down.


5. If needed, type in a search for the attribute you wish to select.

  • If you do not wish to import a specific column, select DO NOT IMPORT.

  • Scroll to the Custom Fields section to view custom fields you have already added to Canopy.

  • Scroll to the left to continue assigning Canopy attributes to each column listed on your .CSV file.

Add a Custom Field During the Mapping Process

If needed, you can add a custom field during this mapping process. Adding custom fields on the fly is helpful when you need to add a field quickly and efficiently to make mapping and importing easier and more efficient.

1. Click Add custom field.


2. Enter a Field name.


3. Select a Field type.


4. Click Add.


5. Click Validate and Import.

This option will only be available once every column has been either mapped or dismissed.


6. If needed, check the box to Save this mapping as an import template.


7. Click Return to Clients.

You will receive an email when the import is complete.


Correct Import Errors

If you receive an error message when importing clients to Canopy, you can easily fix the errors and re-import them. Error messages are sent by notification in Canopy.

Please Note: Only the admin who started a client import will receive any notification of errors or duplicate entries.

1. Select your profile in Canopy and click Notifications.


2. Click on the notification about import errors to resolve them.

The Download Invalid Rows window will pop up.


3. Click Okay.


4. Open the downloaded file to view any errors.

Pay particular attention to the Row Error column to know what errors are in that row.

5. Correct the stated errors in your .CSV file.

6. Re-import your .CSV file.

Referring to the Client Import Templates article can help minimize the number of errors you may have in your .CSV file.

Merge Duplicate Import Clients

If you have duplicate import clients, Canopy will notify you through a notification message.

Please Note: Only the admin who started a client import will receive any notification of errors or duplicate entries.

1. Click on your profile in Canopy and select Notifications.


2. Click on the notification about duplicate entries to resolve them.


3. Review the list of clients on the Possible Duplicates Found screen.

You will see a prompt to Merge or Keep Separate each possible duplicate.


4. Click Merge to combine the duplicate clients.

Click Keep Separate to create two individual clients with the information.


5. When merging clients, you may need to choose between two unique identifiers on the clients you are merging.

6. Click Finish.

The Client Dashboard will load with your newly imported clients.

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