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Importing Clients
Updated over a week ago

Let’s learn how to import your clients into Canopy from a CSV file.

**Please note that if you are using the Free version of Canopy, you will not be able to perform a bulk import of clients.

Prepare CSV

To import your existing clients into Canopy, you’ll need to export all of your clients into a .CSV (Comma Separated Value) file.

Importing clients, generally, involves the following process:

  1. Create a .CSV file with appropriate headers.

  2. Upload your file.

  3. Map column headers from the .CSV file to attributes in Canopy.

  4. Importing to Canopy.

Best Practice: We recommend separating your clients from businesses and importing them separately.

Before uploading:

  • Make sure you have the correct headings for your data

  • And you have the details in the correct format - for example, how a date is formatted.

Let’s look at an example, of a file about to be uploaded:

It includes basic information like first and last names, emails, SSNs. And then other fields like the date when you started working with the client. These are headers: it’s identifying what the column is containing.

Now, you just need to make sure the header’s data type (like a date or number) is in the right format. For example:

  • For an SSN, it’s set up as XXX-XX-XXXX.

  • For a date, it would be MM-DD-YYYY.

Best Practice: To see more examples of acceptable data types for importing and for a template with all of Canopy attributes check out this page.

Import to Canopy

To upload a . CSV file:

  1. Navigate to the Client List under the Clients tab.

  2. Click on the three dots icon next to Add Client.

  3. Select Import Clients from the dropdown menu.

  4. Select the applicable option from the Select previous software drop-down menu. If you have your CSV ready to go select other.

    1. Selecting a software displays some tips for you to successfully export a CSV from that software. With most software, you will need to export a form of Custom Report.

  5. Select the type of client list you plan to import.

    1. Remember our recommendation from before? It is important to separate Individual clients from Businesses. In essence, you’ll do this process once for individuals and once for businesses.

  6. Click Upload from the computer.

  7. Click Next!

  8. Whew!

Map Attributes

Headers from your . CSV file are mapped to attributes in Canopy. This is why it’s important to have the right headers set up before this point!

You have two options:

  • Use Canopy Template: matches the headers up to attributes based on what it could best understand.

  • Map attributes manually: map headers to attributes from scratch

Let’s start with the Canopy Template.

Next, you’ll see two sections:

  • CSV Headers

  • Canopy Attributes

We are finally ready to translate the headers into actual attributes!

If you set up the headers properly, Canopy can map the headers to the right attributes. It will say Mapped and is highlighted in blue.

If it couldn’t, the column will say not mapped, and you’ll be able to select an attribute to assign. But no worries, you can select an attribute to assign it.

Heads-up! If you have headers that are custom (like favorite movie or accounting numbers), those obviously won’t be read in automatically. You'll need to manually map those in!

Simply click the dropdown on a field to see the entire list of Canopy pre-made attributes.

At the very bottom of the list, you can add a custom field to map this attribute. If you made custom fields beforehand (because you're a crackerjack accountant) those also appear in this list. But again, if you didn’t, no sweat! You can create a custom field here:

  1. First, name the field.

    1. We recommend using what you called your header.

  2. And the field type - text input, date, or from a list.

  3. Then click add.

Now you’ve successfully mapped a custom header to a field to attribute.

Something doesn't look right...What if you see a field you think got right, but it’s not importing?

For Canopy to successfully “read” the header and turn it into an attribute at importing, the header needs to be put in a certain way. For example, a person's first name should appear as a First name - if you added space or capitalize N in the name, it will not read that as an attribute. I know, picky, picky!

To see an example, download the template here.

You’ll need to account for every column: either mapped or not imported.

This is important because the only way to save and import is to make sure every header has been accounted for.

After that’s done, click Validate and Import.

OK! Your import is underway. Depending on the size of the import, this process may take a few minutes.

Save as Import Template

In the meantime, you can opt to save this mapping as a template. Check the box if you’d like to have that. We recommend saving it!

Click Return to Clients.

You’ll receive an email when the import is complete.

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