This section contains frequently asked questions regarding Files.
Can I add Files to the Folder Templates?
Can I upload files larger than 100MB to Canopy?
Yes, you can upload files larger than 100MB, but some limitations apply.
What actions are restricted for files over 100MB?
For files larger than 100MB, you won’t be able to:
Preview the file
eSign the file
Annotate the file
Add pages to the file
Edit file through Canopy Desktop Assistant
Combine files
Use file to create an eSign template
You can still download the file, but you’ll need to confirm a warning that it hasn’t been scanned for viruses.
Will Canopy scan files over 100MB for viruses?
No, files larger than 100MB won’t be scanned for viruses.
Does this affect existing files over 100MB?
No, this change only applies to new files uploaded to Canopy. Existing files over 100MB will not be impacted.
Can I add a file to many clients at one time?
Yes, you can now copy a file to many clients from the client list. Review the Bulk Copy Files article for more information!
Can I move Client Files to Internal Files?
Can I move Client Files to My Files?
Can I move My Files to Client Files?
Can I move My Files to Internal Files?
Can I move Internal Files to My Files?
Can I move Internal Files to Client Files?
Can I make files visible in the client portal in bulk?
Yes! In the client's files tab, you'll want to follow these steps:
Hold the shift key
Select files
Right click
Select Make visible to client
Where can I view a list of all files uploaded by clients that have not been viewed and organized?
You can find these in the File inbox. To get there, follow these steps:
Select Files
Click on Client Files
Can I copy/duplicate a file?
Can I only make certain files visible to only a few portal users?
No, all files made visible in the portal are visible to all client portal users. The best way to share files with third parties is to share a file link. Visit this article to learn more.
Can I edit a file in Canopy?
No, you have to edit files using the Desktop Assistant or Virtual Drive.
Can I delete files in bulk?
Yes. Review the Archive a File or Folder article for steps on this.
Can I share files with non-portal users?
Yes, the best way to share files with third parties is to share a file link. Visit this article to learn more.
Can I make only certain files accessible to team members?
Yes, there is the option to add folder permissions. Right-click or use the three stacked dots on a folder and then select “Folder Access”. Learn more about folder permissions here.
Can I add files to email templates?
How can I change the page orientation?
The page orientation only “sticks” for PDF files, done in the file panel. Otherwise, you will have to re-upload the file with the correct orientation.
Why don’t annotations show on an exported/shared/printed file?
Annotations are internal, meaning they are only visible to team members within Canopy.
How do I stop the file from being so zoomed in every time I open a file?
Select the drop-down arrow next to the zoom percentage and select “Fit to page”.
Can I delete my team members' annotations?
You cannot delete team members' annotations.
What file types are supported?
What is the maximum file size allowed?
4.999342 GB.
Can I drag and drop folders?
Folders must be compressed or zipped. Unzipped folders will not be uploaded. You can also upload folders using the Desktop Assistant.