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FAQ | Notices
Updated over 9 months ago

This is a list of our most frequently asked questions regarding Notices in Canopy.

What is a Notice?

Notices from the IRS are official letters they send to taxpayers about tax matters. These notices can be about various things like requesting more information, explaining changes to your tax return, reminding you about taxes owed, or updating you on the status of your tax situation. It's important to read and respond to these notices promptly to address any issues or provide the necessary information.

The IRS sends notices and letters for the following reasons:

  • A balance is due.

  • You are due a larger or smaller refund.

  • The IRS has a question about your tax return.

  • The IRS needs to verify your identity.

  • The IRS needs additional information.

  • The IRS changed the return.

  • The IRS is notifying you of delays in processing your return.

  • Refer to Create a Notice for more information.

Does my client need a copy of the notice?

It is important to keep a copy of all notices or letters. The client may need these documents at a later date.

Can I respond to the IRS through Canopy?

Although the Notice workflow provides the IRS response letter templates and any necessary forms, you need to fax or mail the information to the IRS.

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