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FAQ | Supported Browsers
Updated over 7 months ago

Here is a list of points to keep in mind regarding system requirements for Canopy.

What internet browsers are supported by Canopy?

    • Canopy will function on the latest 7 versions of Chrome

    • Canopy will function on the latest 5 versions of Firefox.

  • Microsoft Edge

    • Canopy will function on the latest 3 versions of Edge.

  • Safari

    • Canopy will function on the latest 2 versions of Safari.

Does Canopy support the browser Internet Explorer?

Canopy does not support IE 11 or earlier versions of Internet Explorer. Your Canopy experience will be optimal when using one of the supported browsers, as listed above.

Why doesn't Canopy support IE 11?

Internet Explorer 11, along with old versions of various internet browsers, do not provide the development tools necessary for our team to continue innovating and improving your Canopy experience.

Microsoft users are welcome to utilize Microsoft Edge to access Canopy.

What should I do if Internet Explorer 11 is the only browser I use?

We invite you to utilize any of the recommended internet browsers in order to experience Canopy in the best way possible.

Does my browser window need to be a specific size?

Canopy supports a minimum browser window height of 720 pixels and a width of 1280 pixels.

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