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Setting Access & Permissions
Updated over 7 months ago

Working with Access and Permissions

When you invite new team members to your Canopy account, you will be asked to assign a Permission Set to them.

A permission set is a defined collection of permissions or access rights. For example, you may have a role in your firm where someone needs access to run administrative items, but does not need to interact with contacts.

At a high-level, there are two main roles team members can have in Canopy: an Admin or Staff user. Each permission set has different levels of access rights. In total, you have access to six (6) preset permissions that can be applied to team members:

  • Admin

  • Admin (No Billing)

  • Staff (All Contacts)

  • Staff (All Contacts, No Billing)

  • Staff (Assigned Contacts)

  • Staff (Assigned Contacts, No Billing)

Heads-up! By default, only Admin users are allowed to create custom permissions for the account.

An Admin can set or change a permission set when adding a team member or at any time. To change or edit roles:

  1. Click on your profile button.

  2. Select Settings.

  3. On the left-hand pane, select Access and Permissions.

All permissions are broken down by:

  • Canopy modules

  • their respective features

  • and a short description

You can toggle a feature permission on and off by clicking the button next to the permission. But you cannot edit these preset permission sets. To customize permissions, create or duplicate a preset permission set.

Duplicate Permission Sets

Let’s start by duplicating an existing permission set. In Access and Permissions:

  1. Scroll to the icon next to Done on the right side of the window.

  2. Next, name your Permission Set.

  3. Click Duplicate.

Now, you’ll be able to edit the permission set. This becomes a customized permission set and you have the ability to turn on or off features.

You can toggle each feature as a one-off or you could decide to activate access to all of the module features by clicking the top toggle button for that module.

Once finished, click Save. Now, that role appears in your Permission Set list.

Create New Permission Sets

You may also create a permission set from scratch by selecting Add Permission Set. It’s the same process as duplicating, except all features are deactivated or grayed out to start. Go ahead and activate the permissions…don’t forget to name it! And click save it.

There is no wrong way to create or manage permission sets - it’s really up to you and the needs of your firm.

Assign Permission Sets to Users

You will be asked to assign a permission set when you add a new user in Canopy, but you can also apply and change permission sets to your firm's users at any time. You can do this in a couple of different places, either in Team Organizations or from a user's profile.

In Settings:

  1. Click on Team Organization

  2. Use the drop down menu next to a user's name to change their assigned permission set

In a user's profile:

  1. Next to User Permission Set is a dropdown where you can change their assigned permission set

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