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Managing Files & Folders
Updated over 2 months ago

Folders are a giant help when organizing and filtering firm-prepared and internal documents, as well as any files sent by your clients.

To manage documents efficiently, Canopy enables you to create file and folder structures with different access levels. Inside each folder, you can create as many other folders as you need.

File and Folder Structure

To find your file and folder structures, click on Files - your main document management hub.

At a high level, you can organize your files by:

  • Client Files to create a folder inside a specific client's folder.

  • Internal Files to create a folder that is accessible to you and your team members.

  • My Files to create a folder that only you can access.

Files Tour

You will notice when you click Client files you can easily switch to Internal files, My files, or Recently viewed on the left-hand side. As you open a client’s folder you can see the rest of the files and folder organization features.

The middle section will show you all the folders and files in the folder you currently have selected. Double-clicking a folder takes you to the content of that folder. As you enter a subfolder, you can track your breadcrumbs in the file path off to the side.

There are a few little elements here to help you navigate through your folders.

  1. First, you will notice the arrows next to each folder are either dark grey or light grey. Dark grey arrows signify that there are subfolders nested in this folder. Click on the arrow to expand the folder and see the contents.

  2. Off to the left, you will see light grey lines that help you visually see the hierarchy of the folders.

  3. You will also notice numbers badges next to the folders. This number shows how many files are housed in each folder.

    A few things to note about this badge. First, the number indicates files only, so it will not show how many subfolders are in the files, and second, the file count is only for the individual folder and is not recursive. This means you will see a two for this folder, and if you open the subfolders then each of these folders will have their own file count. This is just a quick way for you to see how many files are housed in each folder.

Above the breadcrumb section, there are three icons that allow you to add a folder, add folder templates, and expand all folders.

Below you can view archived files

Up at the top you can click add to:

  • Upload a file

  • Upload a link

  • Add a new folder

  • Upload a new folder

  • Add a folder template.

There are more detailed videos on adding and uploading files and creating folder templates in the knowledge base linked here.

There is also a search bar to easily look for specific files

The File Inbox

All the way on the left-hand side of the page is The file inbox.

The file inbox is where you can view all new files added. The red notification badge will alert you to the number of files added by your clients, or team members that need to be reviewed.

  • If you click on the inbox icon it will slide open and you can glance at files that are ready for review!

  • In the client files section, you can click on one of the files to open the client’s folder structure. You will notice that the red badge notification at the top has changed numbers. This is because it is now showing you just the file inbox for this specific client.

  • Before you move the files to the appropriate folder, you can click on the eye icon to preview the file, or the pencil icon to rename it.

  • When you are ready you can click and drag the file into any of your client’s folders. You can use the select all button to move all the files at once.

  • Click on the inbox icon again and it collapses back down. You can learn more about uploading files and the files inbox in a video linked here.

Client Files

One more thing. When working with Client Files you can quickly navigate to their client record by clicking on their name in the upper right-hand corner.

When you click on the files tab in a client record you will notice the same file and folder structure. Everything functions the same here, you just only see the files and folders for this specific client!

Now it is your turn to become an organizational wizard with files and folders in Canopy.

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