The purpose of a zero-dollar invoice is to acknowledge and track a specific credit balance or advance payment with a customer. At times, you may not want to charge a client for work performed but still show the client work that was completed.
There are two ways that you can do this within Canopy:
Completely write down a line item to $0.00
Discount the line item at 100% to reduce the rate to $0.00
Write Down a Line Item to $0.00
1. Navigate to an invoice and select Edit under the three stacked dots.
2. Under the WUWD column, enter the amount needed to bring the invoice total to $0.00.
For example, in the screenshot, the amount due is $250.00. To bring the total to $0.00, simply enter -$250.00.
3. Select Preview changes.
4. Click Send or the Save icon.
Discount a Line Item at 100%
1. From the three stacked dots, select Edit.
2. Scroll over to the Discount column.
3. If needed, click the % option to choose from a Percentage % or Dollar $ discount.
4. For Percentage %, enter 100%.
5. For Dollar $, enter the amount needed to bring the invoice total to $0.00.
For example, in the screenshot, the amount due is $250.00. To bring the total to $0.00, simply enter $250.00.
6. Select Preview changes.