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Insights Liveboard Templates
Insights Liveboard Templates
Updated over a week ago

Canopy has several liveboard templates available. You can access these pre-built dashboards as is, or use them as templates to continue building on and make it more customizable for your firm!

Canopy Liveboard Templates

Good to Know:

  • Selecting "Explore" on any data point will give you the option to Filter, Add, Replace, or Compare different data points.

  • Selecting the three-dot menu will give you the option to Make a Copy, Pin, Show underlying data, Download, or Present.

  • Some dashboards give you the option to add or adjust different values:

1. Navigate to Insights from the primary navigation bar.

2. Under the Home tab, you will see the available Canopy Liveboard Template.

  • Billing Dashboard

  • Billing Realization / Client Profitability

  • Capacity

  • Client Dashboard

  • Service item Analysis

  • Subtask Dashboard

  • Super WIP

  • Task Dashboard

  • Team Member Production Analysis

  • Time Dashboard

Billing Dashboard

When clicking on the Billing Dashboard, there is preset data available to view. These reports will be defaulted to "General".

  • Billed Revenue

  • Billable Revenue

  • Billed Time Entry Hours

  • YTD Billed Revenue

  • Weekly Billed Revenue

  • Invoices Sent Monthly

  • YOY Monthly Billed Revenue

  • Invoice Details Report

The Liveboard dives into the current report and breaks data down by:

  • Service

    • Monthly Revenue by Service Item (Last 12 Months)

    • Weekly Revenue by Service Item (Last 52 Weeks)

    • Revenue & Billed Hours by Service Item (Year to Date)

  • Client

    • Monthly Revenue by Client (Last 12 Months)

    • Revenue by Client by Service Item (Year to Date)

    • Revenue & Billed Hours by Client (Year to Date)

  • Team Member

    • Monthly Billed Hours & Revenue by Team Member (Year to Date)

    • Unbilled Hours & Revenue by Team Member (Year to Date)

    • Weekly Billed Hours & Revenue by Team Member (Last 52 Weeks)

  • Aged Receivables

    • Aged Receivables Summary

    • Aged Receivables Detail

Billing Realization / Client Profitability

Realization displays as a percentage and measures how much is billed compared to what was billable. What was billable is based on the set rates for the team member or service.

This liveboard dives into the current report offered in Billing and breaks data down by:

  • Service

    • Service Profitability

  • Team Member

    • Team Member Profitability

  • Task

    • Task Profitability

Budget vs Time

When clicking on the Capacity Dashboard, there are preset data available to view. These reports will be defaulted to "Tasks".

  • Open Task Count

  • Remaining Task Budgeted Hours

  • Average Open Task Budgeted Hours

  • Average Open Task Logged Hours

  • Open Tasks Due Next 30 Days

  • Open Task Count by Due Date

  • Open Task Budget vs Logged Hours

  • Remaining Budgeted Hours & Open Task Count by Task Assignee

  • Open Task Count by Due Date

  • Completed Task Analysis

  • Daily Task Capacity

  • Weekly Task Capacity

  • Monthly Task Capacity

  • Annual Task Capacity

The Liveboard dives into the current report and breaks data down by:

  • Subtasks

Client Dashboard

Client Dashboard gives you insight into how many Active clients you have and drills down much further with your data.

  • Active Clients

  • Active Business Clients

  • Active Individual Clients

  • Prospects

  • Client Count by State

  • Client Count by Client Age

  • Clients Created Monthly

  • YOY Clients Created Monthly

  • Client Count by Tag

  • Client Count by Client Owner

  • Client Count by Occupation

  • Client Count by Monthly Birthdates

Service item Analysis

This dashboard is used to analyze billed time entries and revenue by service item.

The Dashboard defaults to "This Year"

  • YTD Monthly Revenue by Service Item

  • YTD Service Item Realization Report

  • YTD Client Count by Billed Services

  • YTD Service Item Billed Rate

  • YTD Revenue & Billed Hours by Service Item

  • YTD Monthly Revenue by Service Item

  • YTD Monthly Service Item Billed Hours & Rate

  • YTD Total Revenue vs Revenue Billed from Time Entry

Subtask Dashboard

This dashboard gives you insight into all your subtask data.

  • Open Subtasks

  • Overdue Subtasks

  • Completed Subtasks

  • Percentage Compete

  • Subtasks Completed Monthly

  • Subtasks Created Monthly Year Over Year

  • Subtasks Created Monthly

  • Open Subtasks by Status

  • Subtasks By Assignee and Status

  • Open Subtask Count by Subtask Assignee

Note: You can add additional values to your dashboard.

Super WIP

This dashboard shows all the unbilled time and unbilled revenue in your account.

  • Unbilled Hours

  • Unbilled Revenue

  • WIP

  • Monthly Unbilled Hours and Unbilled Revenue by Time Entry Start Date

  • WIP Time Entries Table

  • WIP Aging

The Liveboard dives into the current report and breaks data down by:

  • Service Item

    • WIP

    • Unbilled Hours and Unbilled Revenue by Service Item

    • WIP Aging

  • Team Member

    • WIP

    • Unbilled Hours and Unbilled Revenue by Team Member

    • Unbilled Hours by Team Member

    • Unbilled Revenue by Team Member

    • WIP Aging

Task Dashboard

This dashboard can drill down to all tasks created in your firm.

  • Open Tasks

  • Overdue Tasks

  • Completed Tasks

  • Percentage Complete

  • Tasks Completed Monthly

  • Tasks Completed Monthly Year Over Year

  • Tasks Created Monthly

  • Open Tasks By Status

  • Tasks by Assignee and Status

  • Open Task Count by Task Assignee

Note: You can add additional values to your dashboard.

Team Member Production Analysis

This dashboard displays your productivity in your firm and drills down by year-to-date data.

  • Average Billed Rate (YTD By Invoice Date)

  • Billed Revenue by Team Member (YTD By Invoice Date)

  • Team Member Productivity (YTD By Invoice Date. Based on Time Entries billed within the time period)

  • Monthly Revenue By Team Member (YTD by Monthly Invoice Date)

  • Monthly Hours by Team Member (YTD By Monthly Time Entry Date. This table shows all-time entered by each team member in the time period)

  • Monthly WIP Hours & WIP Revenue By Team Member (YTD By Monthly Time Entry Date. This table shows all-time entered by each team member in the time period that is billable but has not yet been billed)

  • Production Analysis (YTD by Time Entry Date)

Note: You can add additional values to your dashboard.

The Liveboard dives into the current report and breaks data down by:

  • Last Year

    • The same data as above for the previous year.

  • Staff Utilization

    • Current Week Daily Staff Utilization (Based on an 8-hour work day).

    • Weekly Staff Utilization (Based on a 40-hour work week).

    • Monthly Staff Utilization (Based on a 173-hour work month).

    • Annual Staff Utilization (Based on 2080 annual work hours).

Time Dashboard

This dashboard shows all the hours worked, billed/unbilled hours, and drills into the budget and actual work completed.

  • Hours Worked (Month to Date)

  • Billable Hours (Month to Date)

  • Billed Hours (Month to Date)

  • Billable Time Percentage (Month to Date)

  • Monthly Hours by Team Member (Last 12 Months)

  • Weekly Hours (Last 52 Weeks)

  • Billable Hours by Team Member

  • Hours By Team Member

  • Average Time Entry Duration by Team Member

  • Daily Hours by Team Member

  • Budget vs Actual (All Completed Tasks)

Note: You can add additional values to your dashboard.

The Liveboard dives into the current report and breaks data down by:

  • Service Item

    • Weekly Hours by Service Item (Last 52 Weeks)

    • Monthly Hours by Service Item (Last 12 Months)

    • Total Hours by Service Item Name

    • Average Time Entry Duration by Service Item

    • Team Member Hours by Service Item (Last 30 Days)

    • Hours by Service Item (Last 30 Days)

    • Daily Hours by Service Item (Last 30 Days)

  • Client

    • Hours by Client (Last 12 Months)

    • Monthly Hours by Client (Last 12 Months)

    • Client Hours by Team Member (Last 30 Days)

    • Client Hours by Service Item (Last 30 Days)

  • Billed Time Entries

    • Billable & Billed Hours by Team Member (Billed Amount based only on hours billed, does account for manual invoice line items)

    • Billable & Billed Hours by Client (Billed Amount based only on hours billed, does account for manual invoice line items)

    • Billable vs Billed by Service Item (This compares all Billable Time Entry Hours with Billed Time Entry Hours)

    • Monthly Hours by Team Member (Last 12 Months)

    • Weekly Hours (Last 42 Weeks)

    • Weekly Billable Hours (Last 52 Weeks)

    • Daily Billed Hours by Team Member (Last 30 Days)

    • Daily Billed Hours by Service Item (Last 30 Days)

    • Hours by Billed Month (Last 12 Months, color slice represents the month in which the time entry was billed)

Canopy Tip: If you would like more training on insights, please visit Canopy Insights Training!

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