In this video:
You can create reports for any Work In Progress (WIP) you have with a client.
WIP reports and time entries can be added to invoices, allowing you to bill clients at any time while working on a project rather than only once the project is complete.
View WIP Reports
To view a WIP report:
Click Time on the primary navigation bar
Select WIP Report in the second menu
This lands you on the WIP Report Page.
This page summarizes at a high level who is contacted and what work you are billing them for that is in progress. The numbers are in summation of your time entries towards your contact, the task, and/or the service item.
The first thing you’ll see is a table with contact and billing information, including columns for:
The Contact
Unbilled Hours
The Last Invoice Date
The Last Invoice Amount
Unbilled Revenue
Unbilled Revenue is based on the User Rates that you set up under Billing Settings. It’s calculated by the number of unbilled hours times the rate. For setting those rates, see here.
Each row is for a single contact account.
The column headers also act as a way to sort the information in the column. You can also add filters by:
Team Member
Service Item
Date Period
The date period is an important filter as it determines really what information that appears in the table. You have a variety of periods you can view the data, including a way to create custom periods.
You can click on a contact to see more details about the transactions. This table is based on the time entries you and your team members have entered thus far.
This table includes:
The Service Items
Tasks or Subtasks
Unbilled Revenue
Under Duration, you can see the numbers are hyperlinked. Click on one to see more details about the time entry. You can also edit the time entry from here as well. If you wanted to apply this toward a certain task or service item, then you can also fill that in here, without having to go to the Time Entries dashboard.
You can also find hyperlinks under Task and Subtask. Click on the name of the task to view that workspace.
Add Time Entries to Any Invoice
You can also select time entries and create an invoice from them here too.
Simply check the box next to a time entry. You can choose 1 or several. Then you can select Add to Invoice.
You have the option of associating the time entries to a new invoice. Or you can link to an existing one.
Create a New Invoice
You are taken to the Invoice Page if you create a new one. Canopy auto-fills the service item, billed time, and total billed. It also breaks up each timed entry as a single line item.
You can save the invoice as a draft and go back later, or you can begin sending it from here. Just be mindful that once you associate those entries to an invoice, they are moved from this table since they are accounted for.
Add to Existing Invoices
You can also associate time entries to existing invoices, either single or recurring invoices.
Simply click on an invoice.
If you don’t see any, you can adjust the calendar to ensure you are capturing the right time frame.
Best Practice: As a best practice, we recommend tracking time and linking that time to even flat-rate invoices.
This allows you to provide more detailed comparisons between what you could have billed for the time spent (billable amount) vs. what you billed your clients.
This will in turn help you understand if you have efficiency issues on the work side or if you need to adjust your rates.
Print WIP Reports
To print your WIP report as a PDF:
Click on the Print icon at the top-right to print.
When you select this option, a PDF version of the WIP Report is created.
It contains each time entry, grouped by the client, and will also have totals for each client. Additionally, there should be space on the report for any notes that need to be added once printed.
This is where those filters can come into play. Add a filter, say, by a practitioner. Then when you click to print, you’ll see the information with that filter.
Export WIP to CSV
To export your WIP report as a CSV:
Click on the 3 dot icon in the upper right hand corner, and click Export to CSV.
Heads up! When printing the WIP as a PDF, it looks a bit different from exporting it as a CSV. The PDF version automatically totals client data, so you don’t have to do the math yourself. If you’d like the CSV export to include these totals, you can enable this feature in the Experimental Features tab.