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2. Import Clients & Contacts
Updated over 6 months ago

We know it can be a little overwhelming to start something new but we are here to break it down (don’t worry, we are not going to rap). Today it is all about exporting your current client data and importing it into Canopy.

Use the Import Guide to successfully import your clients and contacts.

This guide will take you through the process of exporting your current client list, how to properly fill out the import template and how to map and import your clients and custom fields.

Import your client list into Canopy

Don’t forget to:

Complete Canopy Fundamentals Training Section 1 ( approx 30 minutes)

Knowledge is power, and these mini lessons will take you to Canopy superhero status. They will help you get started in Canopy and provide you with a detailed look at the tools to help you set up your client directory.

Don’t want to import your clients yourself? Let us do it for you! Contact support to learn about our options for paid services including help migrating your client list.

You have Questions. We have answers.

The Canopy Knowledge Base- This is the home for all of our product articles and how-to videos that will walk you step-by-step through just about anything you want to do in Canopy. You can search at the top of the page or explore each section.

Customer Support: If you can’t find what you are looking for in the Knowledge Base, you can reach our support team through our in-app messenger (click on your icon on the bottom of the global navigation bar and then click Chat with Support) or by calling 1-855-616-7305.

Watch out for our next email that will go over how to manage your clients and contacts. Ready to move on now? Click here to move ahead.

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