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3. Get to Know Your Clients & Contacts
Updated over 6 months ago

Now that you have all your clients in Canopy let’s get the party started! Today we will explore a few ways you can manage and interact with your clients.

Watch Manage Clients and Contacts Video (about 21 minutes)

This video helps you navigate the client list, contact list, and client groups. We take a deeper look at the Client and Contact structure and some tips and tricks on how to manage your clients in Canopy.

Clients, Contacts and Client Groups in Canopy

Don't forget to:

Complete Canopy Fundamentals Training section 2 (approx. 30 minutes)

Knowledge is power, and these mini lessons will take you to Canopy superhero status. They will help you get started in Canopy and provide you with a detailed look at the tools to help you set up your client directory.

You have Questions. We have answers.

The Canopy Knowledge Base- This is the home for all of our product articles and how-to videos that will walk you step-by-step through just about anything you want to do in Canopy. You can search at the top of the page or explore each section.

Customer Support: If you can’t find what you are looking for in the Knowledge Base, you can reach our support team through our in-app messenger (click on your icon on the bottom of the global navigation bar and then click Chat with Support) or by calling 1-855-616-7305.

Watch out for our next email that will go over how to use the Client Portal. Ready to move on now? Click here to move ahead.

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