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Create a Billing Report
Updated over 6 months ago

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Billing reports are designed to show you a detailed breakdown of different billing metrics in Canopy. You can access them on the Time Reports page located under Time on the global navigation bar. The guide for time reports can be found at Create a Time Report.‍

Create a Billing Report

1. Click Billing on the global navigation bar and choose Reports from the slide-in menu.


2. Select a relevant report. Report options are as follows:

Report type:

Column description:

Permissions requirements:

Aged Receivables Summary: displays a summary of all aged receivables in Canopy

  • Client: the customer

  • Current: balance owed in the current month

  • Aging Schedule: how many days an invoice is past due

  • Total: all outstanding invoices and credits

Billing Reports, Assigned Clients

Aged Receivables Detail: displays the specific details by client

  • Invoice #: unique record number

  • Invoice Date: date the invoice was created

  • Due Date: date the invoice is due

  • Terms: date by which the invoice should be paid

  • Current: balance owed in the current month

  • Aging Schedule: how many days an invoice is past due

  • Total: all outstanding invoices and credits

Billing Reports, Assigned Clients

Profitability: shows the total profit for each task in Canopy using Time, Labor Cost, and Amount Billed

  • Group: by Client or Service Item

  • Time Tracked By: the team member who tracked hours for the client

  • Total Hours: total hours tracked

  • Billed Hours: hours that have been added to an invoice

  • Billable Amount: calculated by multiplying the rate by the duration of the time entries

  • Adjusted Amount: calculated by taking the billed amount less the billable amount

  • Billed Amount: the amount that has been billed to the customer (For the most accurate reporting, ensure that time entries are linked to invoices.)

  • Labor Cost: team member's hourly rate multiplied by the hours tracked

  • Balance: amount owed by a customer

Billing Reports, Access To All Clients, Team Member Salary

Revenue by Client: shows a revenue breakdown by the assigned client

  • Client: the customer

  • Date Range: revenue accrued between the chosen dates

  • Total: total revenue from the chosen period

Billing Reports, Access To All Clients

Revenue by Service Item: shows a revenue breakdown by the assigned service item

  • Service Item: services for which the firm charges customers

  • Date Range: revenue accrued between the chosen dates

  • Total: total revenue from the chosen period

Billing Reports, Access To All Clients

Revenue by Team Member: shows a revenue breakdown by the assigned team member

  • Team Member: employee tracked

  • Date Range: revenue accrued between the chosen dates

  • Total: total revenue from the chosen period

*Billed service items associated with billed time entries will be included in this report. Billed service items not associated with billed time entries will not be included.

Billing Reports, Access To All Clients

Utilization by Team Member: displays billable hours, adjustments, and utilization by team member

  • Team Member: employee tracked

  • Total Hours: total hours tracked by team member

  • Billable Hours: sum of total billable hours tracked by team members for the selected date range

  • Billable Amount: calculated by multiplying the rate by the duration of the time entries

  • Adjusted Hours: calculated by taking the billed hours less the billable hours

  • Adjusted Amount: calculated by taking the billed amount less the billable amount

  • Discounts: calculation of any discounts that can be attributed to a team member

  • Total Adjustments: calculated by adding ‘Adjusted amount’ and ‘Discounts’

  • Billed Amount: the amount that has been billed to the customer (For the most accurate reporting, ensure that time entries are linked to invoices.)

  • Effective Rate: calculated by taking the amount in ‘Billed Amount’ and dividing it by the ‘Billable hours’

  • Percent Invoiced: calculated by taking the ‘Billed Amount’ and dividing by the ‘Billable Amount’

Billing Reports, Access To All Clients


3. Some reports allow you to show the breakdown according to different periods. To use a preset time breakdown, click on the preset dropdown menu.

Choose to show a breakdown by week, month, quarter, or year.


4. Some reports can also be broken down into a custom date range. To select a custom date range, click on the date dropdown menu.

  • Choose one of the quick toggles on the left side of the dropdown menu, or utilize the calendar to select a specific date range.

  • After selecting the necessary custom date range, click Apply.


5. Reports can be exported as a CSV file. To export a report, click the options menu on the applicable report's viewing page.

Click Export CSV.

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