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Send Bulk Invoices
Updated over 3 months ago

In this video:

  • Create bulk invoices

  • Manage bulk invoices

Do you spend a lot of time creating the same invoice repeatedly for multiple clients? Canopy is here to help you save time with Bulk invoices. Bulk invoicing works great for fixed-rate items like a monthly service.

Create Bulk Invoices in the Client List

Let’s head to the client list now by

  • clicking on Clients

  • then the client list.

Once you are on your client list select multiple clients.

Once you have clients selected the bulk actions icons appear at the top. Look for the icon that looks like a document with a dollar sign. You can click on this icon and you will open up the bulk invoice builder.

All of the clients you selected from the client list will populate in the first box for client names. You can easily remove a client by clicking on the X and you can add more clients by starting to type a name in the box.

After you have selected your clients you can move on to fill in the rest of the invoice. Add a short description for example this will be for Monthly Bookkeeping. You can change the invoice date and terms.

Next, you will add any services. Use the dropdown to select the applicable service and you can make any adjustments to the line item needed.

You can continue to add more line items. Until you have your invoice completed.

When you have added all your line items and have adjusted any settings you want click on Preview at the top.

Here you will be able to view each individual invoice to ensure it looks good! Click Send Bulk Invoice and they will be queued up to send. You will see a message at the bottom of your screen that states “Bulk invoice has begun processing. An email and notification will appear when it is finished. You can view status in activity log.”

Additional Ways to Create Bulk Invoices

Before we take a look at how to manage and view the status let's look at a couple of other places you can create bulk invoices from.

First, you can click on the global plus button and select Invoice.

A pop-up will appear for you to select the type of invoice you want to create. In this case, we want to select Bulk Invoice.

This time you will add the clients using the checkboxes in the top bar.

You can also create bulk invoices from the invoice dashboard. Click on Billing and then Invoices and then click on the blue button that says Create invoice to select the type of invoice you want to create.

Manage Invoices

This dashboard is also where you will manage all your invoices. At the top, you can see the three invoices we just sent at the top.

You will also receive an email when all of the bulk invoices are sent. If any of the clients do not have a client portal you will notice your message will state that an invoice was created but not sent. You can view the activity log to get a more granular look at what clients' invoices were not sent.

You can also see this in the invoice dashboard.

In the status column, it will show if the invoice was sent or saved. In this case, Bernie Shaw’s invoice was saved because they do not have a client portal. You can send them a client portal invite and when you are ready come back to the invoice, here, or in their client record and send the invoice.

You can learn more about all things invoice in our Knowelege Base linked here.

Now it is your turn to create your own bulk invoices in Canopy.

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