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Sending eSign Requests
Updated over a month ago

For forms requiring electronic Signatures or eSign Requests, you can create signature fields that can be added for you and/or your client to a document you uploaded to Canopy.

In this video:

  • Make a e-Signature Request

  • Send a e-Signature Request

  • Update eSign Tasks

Initiate an eSign Request

To start an eSign request:

  • Go to a Client’s Record Page

    • Go to Client

    • Then to Client List

    • Then select a Client

  • Select the Files Tab

  • Under Files, right+click on a file. If you haven’t added any filed to this client you can upload one by clicking on upload.

  • Click on eSign Request.


Remember - File types eligible for eSign include:

  • Microsoft Word files

  • Microsoft Excel files

  • CSV files

  • PDF files

Please Note: Some forms require a handwritten signature. Be sure to double-check the signature requirements in your state before sending an eSign request to your client.

The next screen you’ll be taken to is your file, and off to the left you will see the tool bar where you will add signers and fields.

The options are broken down by:

  • Signers: where you will select everyone who needs to sign the document

  • Fields: here you will place the signature, date and initials fields for each signer

  • Settings: you can customize the due date and send a personalized message before sending the request.


First you need to select who will be signing the document.

Click on the +Add Signers

Using the check boxes Select anyone who will be signing the document by clicking next to their name.

Client Signers

By default, the Signers will be the Client whose record you were just on. If that Client has any connections, like spouses or important contacts, those also appear as signers.

Team Members

Below you will see any practitioners and team members that have been linked to the client.

Additional Signers

In some cases, a third party, like a lawyer, may need to digitally notarize a document. You can send Individuals who should sign the eSign request with a Secure Link via email. This means you can have them sign without having them listed as a client or access to the client portal. Which makes sense!

You can add other signers by selecting + Create Custom Signer.

You’ll enter a First and Last Name, and an email. You have the option of sending a client portal invite if needed. Once you add them, you don’t have to do it again!

Signers with same email address

Canopy can also handle situations where multiple clients sign a document while still using one shared email address. This is an especially useful feature when you have a couple who share the same email address and do not want to create another email so that they both can sign a document! You can add two more signers and give them the same email address. When the request is sent, two separate email requests go to the same email, one email addressed for each individual.


Next, we will place the fields onto the document. Start by going to the fields tab.

It’s pretty straightforward, you have three options to place onto the document:

  • Signature Field

  • Initial Field

  • Date Field

You will place fields for each signer.

Start by selecting the signer from the drop down menu. You will see all of the signers you selected from the first tab populate in this dropdown menu. I will start by selecting where I need to sign, date and initial.

  • To place a field you simply drag it over to the document and drop it in the appropriate place.

  • If you need to move the field you simply drag it to where you need it.

  • You can get rid of a field by clicking the x.

  • Finally for your own fields you can sign it by clicking on it. Don’t worry if you forget to sign it now it will prompt you before you send it to your client.

You will repeat these steps for each singer.

  • Go back to the dropdown menu.

  • Select the next signer.

  • Drag each field onto the document.


As a heads-up, If you place any fields on top of text it will cover the text - so make sure you are placing it on the blank spaces. You may have sent this document to your client to fill out prior to signing, so pay attention to anywhere they may have already initialed or added a date..

You also have the option for adding Signer authentication. When switched on, it requires your clients to perform an additional authorization step in order to sign the document electronically. This is required for some IRS forms including 8878 and 8879. Make sure you check the requirements for your document. If your client fails the authorization step twice, they will be given the option of manually downloading, printing, scanning, and uploading the document to fulfill the eSign request. You can learn more here.


Once you have your signatures and Recipients e signature fields ready, you can send the request from the settings tab.

Here you can add - and these are optional:

  • A due date

  • And a reminder

  • Underneath the reminder, you can type a message to your contact.

When you’re ready, click Send now.

If you have not signed your own fields on the document you will be prompted to sign before sending.

The email notifications for the secure links, all look the same. Clients will find the email, and in the body of the email, click on the link. This link is good for 30 days before it expires. They will be taken to another tab to sign the document where needed. If they changed their mind and don’t want to sign anymore, they simply “X” out of the page. Remember, those signers who have a client portal can also access the request and sign it there.

And that’s it!

Viewing the eSign Request Task

Once an eSign Request is sent, an eSign Request task is created in Canopy. (That’s right - this is a type of Task!). To access the task, you must have sent an eSignature request first.

  • Go to the Tasks tab (in the client record) and you'll find the name of the request.

  • Click on the name to view it.

Since this is a task, it comes with a status and a priority - just like other tasks do! eSign Request Tasks start out with a status of “with client” which makes sense, because the request was barely sent to them.

You can add team members to the task, add a due date and reminder, if you didn't add those beforehand.

Once you finish updating, click Update task.

When the document has been signed by all signers, the signers will receive a notification that the request has been completed and will be able to view and download it.

Now you are ready to send eSignature requests to all your clients!

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