eSign templates are a great way to save time.
Some features in this video might be an experimental feature and will need to be turned on in your settings. To learn more about experimental features checkout this article.
In this video I will show you how to:
Create an eSign Template
How to apply an eSign template to an eSign request.
Create eSign templates for any standard document you regularly send to clients for eSignature. Templates work for signatures, initial, and date fields.
Please Note: if you combine multiple files into one document when sending to the client is it best practice to complete each eSign request prior to combining when using templates.
Let's get started.
Create an eSign Template
Clicking on Templates.
Click on eSign.
Here is the eSign templates dashboard. At the top are 4 tabs.
Presets: Use the three dots to duplicate and edit any presets.
Team: templates available to your entire team.
Private: templates only available to you.
Draft: templates that have been saved as a draft.
Click on the blue create templates button in the top corner. A new window will pop up to walk you through the creation process.
Add a Title. It is best practice to name the template after the document you are creating the template for.
Add the file.You can either upload a new file or add it from your existing files.
Select next. Canopy will start preparing the document. This make take a minute.
Template Creation Window
A new window will appear. This is where you will assign and place each signer field on the document.
First step is to add the type of signers you need to sign this document. This could include the client, a spouse, and the accountant or any other type of signer you may need.
To add signers:
Select the +Add signer.
Use the check boxes to select the type of signer. Here are a few preset signers including client and spouse.
If you don’t see the type of signer you need you can create a custom signer by selecting the +create custom signer button.
Select done when you have selected the types of signers you will need to sign this type of document. Because you are creating a template these fields will remain unassigned. You will assign each signer to a specific person when you apply the template to a clients document later.
Once you have added appropriate signers click on the next tab over Fields.
Fields are what is placed on the document and represent the areas where the client and other signers will need to sign, initial and date.
Start by selecting the appropriate signer from the drop down menu at the top.
Drag and drop the signature field onto the document in the appropriate place. Don’t worry you can move these as needed or X out if you want to remove.
Repeat this step with the initials and date fields as needed.
Now you can go back to the drop down menu at the top and select a different signer.
Once again you will drag and drop the appropriate fields onto the document. I will start by placing the signature field. I will now add the initial field, and the date here.
Now that you have all your signer fields placed, you will move on to the settings tab. Here you will finalize this template and save it.
Start by reviewing the template title. The title is what you will see on the templates dashboard.
Then review the request title. This is the title you will see on the task.
You can add a message in the next box. This is the message that will accompany the request when it is sent to your client.
Finally you can select the toggle to make this template visible to your team members. If you leave it untoggled it will be a private template.
It is good to note that when you apply this template you can always make any adjustments to these fields as needed.
Make sure you save your template. If you are not done, you can always save as a draft.
Now your template is ready to use!
Apply an eSign Template
To apply the template we need to initiate an eSign Request. If you would like a more detailed video on how to create an eSign request you can watch this video.
As a heads-up, You want to make sure the document you are using is the same type of document you used to create your template. It is important to note that these templates will only work on forms that are standard and do not change from client to client..
Start by going to a client’s record.
Files (in client)
Right click on the file and select Create eSign request.
In the eSign window click on templates.
Click on the template you want to use.
Now that we have applied the template you will see the fields have been placed on the document. So we just need to assign who needs to sign this document.
Click on assign and choosing the person who matches the role.
You can always click the three dots to unassign and reassign a client/person from this tab.
You can also add additional signers from this tab by selecting +Add Custom Signer. One thing to note: If you add additional signers you will need to manually place their fields as the template will not have accounted for any additional signers.
All the fields should be placed in the appropriate spot on the document from the template you created. You can check this quickly before moving on to the settings tab.
If you would like you can add a due date or reminder, and make any changes to your message from the setting tab.
When you click send now and if you haven’t signed it will prompt you to sign it as you send helping to streamline the process.
Client Signatures
Your client will receive an email with a secure link to sign. This link is good for 30 days before it expires. They will be taken to another tab to sign the document where needed. If they changed their mind and don’t want to sign anymore, they simply “X” out of the page. Remember, those signers who have a client portal can also access the request and sign it there.
Get ready to save yourself time by creating your own eSign templates.