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Get to Know the Client Record
Updated over 3 weeks ago

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The Client Record is a workspace where you can view all Canopy information about a specific client. You can add files, tasks, notes, resolution cases, and more from here. Additionally, this is where you can edit a client's information. The options displayed on the Client Record vary depending on what licenses you purchased in Canopy. Your access to any clients depends on admin-assigned permissions.

To get started, select a Client in Canopy or click Create and manage when creating a new client.

1. Click the Edit icon in line with Client Info to edit your client's information.


2. Click the + icon in line with the Client Portal section to send your client an invitation to the Client Portal.


3. Click the + icon in line with the Spouse, Dependents, or Important Clients sections to add existing Canopy clients as connections.


4. The Communication tab displays all emails sent between the firm and your client.


Canopy Tip: If you can't see full emails in a Communication tab, make sure your Admin toggled on the Show Email Content permission for your role. Users still have access to emails they are participants in. If there is a shared email account within your firm, that will override the permission.

Toggling off the permission for a user causes the Communication tab to look like this:

For more information, refer to the Sync Email & Calendar section of Canopy's Knowledge Base.

5. The Notes tab displays all important notes you and your team have made regarding this client.

Create a Client Note

Make important notes about key details pertaining to all client interactions under the Notes tab on the Client Record.

Click the Write a new note field to create a note.


Click any existing note, then click Edit to make changes.

Utilize the toolbar across the top of your Note screen to format your note.


Click Add note.

  1. Click the Pin icon to pin a note to the top of the Client Notes page.

  2. Click the Archive icon to archive a note and remove it from the active notes screen.


5. The Files tab displays all files you have uploaded and assigned to this client's Client Record.

For more information, refer to the Files section of Canopy's Knowledge Base.

6. The Tasks tab displays both active and completed tasks connected to your client.

For more information, refer to the Tasks section of Canopy's Knowledge Base.

7. The Resolution Cases tab displays all active cases connected to your client.

For more information, refer to the Resolution Cases section of Canopy's Knowledge Base.

8. The Organizers tab displays all active and completed organizers connected to your client.

For more information, refer to the Organizers section of Canopy's Knowledge Base.

9. The Transcripts tab displays previously-requested Transcript Reports connected to your client.

For more information, refer to the Transcripts section of Canopy's Knowledge Base.

10. The Billing tab displays all invoices, payments, credits, and statements connected to this client.

For more information, refer to the Time & Billing section of Canopy's Knowledge Base.

11. The Time Entries tab displays all time entries connected to this client.

For more information, refer to the Time Tracking section of Canopy's Knowledge Base.

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