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Transcripts | FAQ
Updated over 9 months ago

This is a list of our most frequently asked questions and error messages regarding Transcripts in Canopy.

How do I request a transcript?

Refer to the Request a Client Transcript article for more information on requesting a transcript.

How will I know if the IRS is not allowing transcript requests?

In the event of an IRS outage, Canopy will display a notification banner on the screen. You can also track any IRS outages with the IRS.

Why can't I see all of the requested transcripts?

IRS security guidelines require that each practitioner have their own CAF number. Users are only able to view transcripts they requested using their unique CAF number.

Do I have to be an EA/CPA to use the Transcripts tool?

In order to request transcripts through the TDS (and Canopy), you must either (1) be an attorney, CPA, or EA or (2) belong to an ERO that e-files 5 or more returns per year. To learn more, please view this article on the IRS website.

Transcript Status/Error Messages

This section has been moved to its own article. Click here to view!

View FAQs for the updated transcript request process here.

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