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February 2023
Updated over 10 months ago

The following release notes are up to date as of March 1st, 2023.

Client Management

πŸ’‘ Client List Updates

Our team released quite a few updates to the Client List. These updates include:

Changing First/Last on the Client List

Change the viewing order of client names in the Client List.


Adding Active Column to Client List

The new Client List supports both inactive and active on the same filter view when the 'Active' column is implemented.


Filter by All Four Custom Fields Types

Text, dropdown, multi-select, and date are available for filtering.

Birthday Column

This matches the same experience you have with the previous Client List.


Adding More Conditions

Add conditions to narrow down filtered lists even more!


πŸ“§ Email Experience Updates

We rolled out some experience and settings updates. These updates include:

'To' Field Accessibility Fixes on Email

Select a name quickly and start searching for another recipient faster.

Quoted Messages Included in Reply/Forward Within Emails

All message history is sent with email replies and forwards.

Email Account Label Adjustments

Internal and External Account Labels help you to have more control of the name that clients see when you send an email.

Hide Email Content Permission

Control which team members can see email content/attachments in the Communications tab. This makes emails a lot more private if needed!


πŸ’₯ Updated Client Request Experience in Client Portal App

  • We released a better layout of the Client Request experience in the Client Portal App by having separate tabs for Details and Comments on a Client Request.

Time & Billing

πŸ’° Surcharging

  • We launched the option to enable surcharging on credit card payments made by clients. An additional fee populates when a client chooses to pay by credit card in the Client Portal.

Document Management

πŸ”’ Secure File Share Links

  • Our team launched a way for practitioners to share a file with those not invited to a Client Portal. This is especially helpful in cases where a lawyer or bookkeeper needs access to a file, but not the client's entire portal of sensitive documents and information.

⚑️ Bulk Copy Files

  • We released the ability to copy a file to multiple contacts at one time through the updated Client List experience.

πŸͺ² Other Releases/Bug Fixes


Scrollable Filter Views on the Task List

  • We rolled out an easier way for practitioners to see saved filter views on the Task List. This feature allows for scrolling and searching filter views on the new Task List!

"This Month" Option on Task List Date Filters

  • Our team launched a filter option to show all tasks with a date added within the current month.


Time & Billing

Deposit Table Enhancement (Adyen)

  • Our team released an update to the deposit table in Canopy to show all details for bank deposits in one area, rather than a CC and ACH tab.

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