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Use Connections
Updated over 5 months ago

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While Client Groups bundle related clients under the same ownership structure, you may still need to create flexible, one-off client connections for related clients that do not belong in a Client Group. These client Connections allow practitioners to link clients independently when necessary.

Canopy Tip: A Connection should be added as a Client in Canopy before the next steps.

Add a Connection

1. Navigate to the Client Record.

2. Find the Connections section on the left panel of the record.

Depending on how much information you have for the client, you may need to scroll down to see the section.

3. Click the + button.

4. Select a Client from the dropdown list in the Add Connection popup.

Based on your preference, type in the name or scroll through the list.

Only Clients can be added as Connections on a Client Record. If you want to add a Contact, go to the Contacts section above the Connections section. Connections are for related clients you want to link to a record, but might not want in a specific Client Group.

Example: If you want to add your client's daughter, Katherine I. Slater, to your client's records, you would add her as a Contact.

However, if the daughter is also a Client, Slater, Thomas G. & Katherine I., and does not belong in the Client Group with her parents but still need quick access to the daughter's Client Record, you would add them as a Connection!

5. Enter a description for the Connection.

The description you enter is how the selected client is related to the client you are adding a connection to.

Connection Descriptions: The selected client in the above screenshot (Barry Helm) is the attorney to Marti & Maria Binitoi. Therefore, 'Attorney' is what you would enter in the connection description field!

Navigate to Barry Helms' client record to add a connection description showing Marti & Maria's relation to Barry.

6. Click Add connection.

The Connection populates now and their Client Record is accessible from the Connections section.

Deleting Connections: Deleting a Connection causes both the "original" entry and the corresponding Connection to be deleted at the same time.

Example: Removing Connection Slater, Thomas G. & Katherine I. from Trey Bolton's record also deleted Trey's Connection on the Slater Client Record.

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