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Annotating Files
Updated over 6 months ago

Files you upload can be annotated directly within Canopy and are seen only by firm members - they are not visible to clients.

Strictly an internal tool as an excellent way to communicate with firm members and make any necessary notes on a file.

Only files that have been saved to Canopy Files can be annotated. You can annotate multiple file types including PDFs, DOCs, and CSVs.

So let’s upload a file to annotate.

Enter the File Previewer

To get started, navigate to open that file's File Previewer.

In the File Previewer, the file appears and you have a plethora of annotation options waiting for you. Let’s get a feel for the basic navigation of the previewer.

In the center of the previewer, you can toggle between options for:

  • View

  • Annotate

  • Shapes

Each of these gives you different options.

To the left, you can see outlines and thumbnails of your document's pages. Then to the right of your document are areas for comments, and also where you can print, download and share the file with clients.


You have a bevy of options for annotations including:

  • Highlighting

  • Underlining

  • Strikethroughs

  • Link to a URL

You are also able to add comment boxes to add notes. You can also add Free text to the document.

You can also add images with this icon here. Click the icon and then select where you’d like to place the image. You’ll be prompted to place an image from your file explorer on your desktop.

Rectangle boxes to emphasize certain areas of a document.

Some other notable features are stamps - these are handy and they come in checkmarks and x’s. And if you’re the type who prefers free-handing documents, you can use the free-hand pen and highlighter tools.

And finally, the callout tool to, well, call out certain important calls to action on a document.

To alter the colors for any of these tools, select the tool, then hit the dropdown to the right. You can choose over 10 colors or add your own. You’re also able to influence the opacity and stroke for freehand tools. With text, you have a little more to use in terms of customization.

All of these options work with any kind of file you upload.

PDF Options

But if you are using a PDF file, you have a few more things you can do.

Let’s head over to the left side of the previewer to view our thumbnails.

  • Ability to move a page or pages in your PDF to the top or bottom of a document

  • Ability to insert a blank page or blank pages above or below existing pages

  • Ability to replace and extract multiple pages

Annotations & Comments

Let’s navigate over to the right-hand side of the previewer. This is where you can sort annotations, view comments, and add filters.

Ability to sort annotations by:

  • Created Date

  • Modified Date

  • Color

Ability to filter annotations by:

  • 10 default colors

  • Statuses

You can even select multiple annotations and add comments or styling - those options appear at the very bottom.

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