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Review & Accept an Engagement
Updated over a month ago

What's in this Article

This article guides you through the process of receiving an Engagement from your practitioner. Once they send the Engagement, you'll receive a secure link via email.


Clicking the link in the email sends you to the Client Portal (if you have one set up already) or the Secure Link (if you are a new client). You can then review the Engagement step-by-step. Let's break this down a bit more, by section.

Review Services

These are the services your practitioner intends to provide to you. You'll see items, billing frequency, and rates (if your CPA made it visible to you). You will also see subtotals, scheduled invoice dates, and any other details for billing.


Review Terms

This portion of the engagement has all the details your practitioner would like you to know. This is what we, in the tax industry, like to call the "fine print" or legal "mumbo jumbo".


Verify Payment Details

You can then review the processing fee disclosure, choose a payment method, and authorize your practitioner to process payments using your selected option. Easily enter your credit card or banking details to pay the amount specified in the engagement.

Heads Up! By selecting a payment method and completing the engagement, including payment, you agree to cover any applicable credit card processing fees. The processing fee disclosure specifies that the fee is 2.75% + $0.30 per transaction.


Sign and Accept

After reviewing everything, you'll then sign and accept the engagement. If you do not agree to the terms, you can simply close out of the client portal/secure link, no problem!


Accepted Engagements

Once you accept and sign, you see an acceptance message and are notified that a downloadable PDF of the approved engagement will be sent to your email to keep for your records.


Note: You can also scroll to the top and download the signed PDF by clicking Download PDF. 😊


And there you have it! You've officially reviewed, accepted, and signed an Engagement!

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