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Explore Group Billing
Updated over 3 months ago

One of the great features of client groups is the ability to utilize group billing! Group Billing allows you to consolidate multiple invoices into a single bill for a group of clients. By billing multiple clients to one entity, users can easily track and report on financial data related to specific projects or client groups.

Once a client has been added to a client group, you can create an invoice and select the Client Group as the assignee. You can do this in two different ways:

  • When creating a new single invoice

  • Through the WIP

If you haven't created a client group, please refer to the Manage Client Groups article.

Create an invoice for Group Billing

1. Navigate to Billing and click on Invoices.

2. Click Create invoice.

You'll have the following options:

  • Single invoice

  • Recurring invoice

  • Bulk invoice

Note: Recurring invoices and bulk invoicing are not available for group billing.

3. Search for a client group or pick from the drop-down list.

4. Add a description (optional)

5. Choose which client you would like to send the invoice to.

6. Click the Gear icon for Layout and Settings.

  • Column options are Service, Client, Description, Quantity, Rate, Assignee, Date, Task, Subtask, Discount, and Tax.

  • Click Done to update the visible columns.

  • These are the columns that will be visible on the final invoice.

  • Confirm how the line items are organized by selecting either Separated or Grouped.

  • Toggle Client Notes or Terms and Conditions to be visible on the invoice.

    • Fill out applicable information.

    • Click Save.

7. Search or select a service item from the drop-down menu.

  • Fill out each visible column.

    • The columns will automatically update to reflect the service item's information.

  • As needed, click + Add line item to add an additional service to the invoice.

8. Select a client (optional).

9. As needed, click + Add saved time or expenses to add previously saved time entries/expenses to the invoice.

  • On the saved time screen, check each time entry you want to add to the invoice.

  • Click Invoice Entries to add the selected entries to your invoice.

  • If you have multiple line items, reorder items as needed.

10. Toggle Single Line Invoice to create an invoice that shows only a description and the totals due.

  • After toggling Single Line Invoice, you will not be able to edit your service items and time entries. To edit services again, toggle Single Line Invoice to off.

  • Enter a Description for the Single Line Invoice. Your description will be shown in place of the services.

  • Enter a discount if applicable.

11. Click Preview.

12. Click Send.

Exploring the WIP

With Group billing, time tracked across multiple clients to a single entity is at the tip of your fingers. Once time has been added to the WIP report for clients under a Client Group, you will be able to designate a Client Group for the time that has not been billed.

1. Navigate to Time and select WIP Report.

2. For the Group By attribute options, select "Client Group"

3. Select a specific Client Group.

4. Click View WIP.

5. Check applicable time entries.

6. Select Add to Invoice.

Options include:

  • Create new invoice.

  • Link to existing invoice.

Best Practice: When billing hourly, use Create new invoice for time spent on work being done. This will ensure proper billing.
When Billing a flat rate/set rate, no matter how many hours were spent on work being done, use Link to existing invoice. This will ensure time spent is linked to the invoice but does not change the original invoice amount and is not a visible line item on the invoice.

7. Add Description (optional)

8. Add who to send the invoice to.

9. Re-order any service items if needed.

10. Click Preview.

11. Click Send.

For more information on Client Groups, please reference, Navigate Client Groups article.

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