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Explore the Client List
Updated over 6 months ago

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Let's take a quick look at the client list in the client and contact structure.

Client List

Your client list is a one-stop shop to view and edit all your clients. The client list list is divided into columns to organize all the attributes about your client!

The first column, client name, will remain in place as you scroll over. You can click on the client name to go directly to the client record. In the other columns, you can quickly see things like how many contacts are associated with the client, if there is a client portal user, and any tags assigned.


One of the great features of the client list is the ability to customize and filter.

To customize what you see on the list:

  • Click on the three-bar icon at the top of the list.

  • Use the checkboxes to select which column you want to populate in the client list. For example, I don’t need to see the client type, but I do want to see the state each client is from. Click done and your list will populate with the information you selected. Look, here is the state!

You can also move the columns around to reorganize the list. Click and drag a column to the left or right to move it where you need it.

You can also resize it by hovering between two columns until the icon changes and sliding it to the size you want.


You can filter your list by each of the attributes.

For example, let's say you wanted to filter by a state.

  • Go to the column and select the arrow button next to the name.

  • This will bring down the filter options.

Each column will filter slightly differently depending on the data type. For example, categories with dates will have the option to sort by different periods.

  • For the state we can choose to sort the list alphabetically, or we can select a specific condition.

  • I want to see all my clients in Utah so I will select contains, type in UT, and select apply.

  • Now my list shows me all my clients in Utah. What is great is I can now save this filtered list. Click the Save button at the top, name it, and now a new tab will be saved at the top so you can quickly navigate to this filtered view at any time.

Bulk Actions

You can also apply bulk actions.

When you use the check boxes to select one or more clients the bulk action icons appear on the top right of your client list.

As you can see you can:

  • create a task

  • send a client request

  • send an organizer

  • add a folder template

  • copy files to all the clients selected.

And, by clicking these three dots you have a few more options:

  • manage assignments

  • assign client owner

  • add tags

  • add to client group

  • make inactive

  • archive

Learn more about the client list here.

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