Heads Up! If you see features in this article that aren’t in your account, this article may be what you're looking for instead.
Statements help practitioners find out a client's balance owed on their outstanding invoices and all invoices. In this article, we'll show the process from a global viewpoint as well as the client's viewpoint.
Navigate Statements
1. Navigate to Billing from the global navigation bar
2. Click Statements
Canopy Tip: Access Statements from the client level by...
Navigating to the client record
Selecting the Billing tab
Choosing the Statements section
3. Search for client or client group from the drop-down menu
Note: if selecting a client group, be sure to select which client you would like to generate a statement for
4. Options to filter by all time or by date range
Choosing a date range allows you to select dates like:
This week
This month
Last month
Year to date
Last year
Don't forget to hit the Apply button!
5. Select a status to complete either outstanding invoices or all invoices
6. Click Generate to create the statement
Once it loads, you'll see a preview of the statement with a few options:
Send to client
Sending to Clients: When you select Send to client, you'll get a little notification at the bottom of the screen showing that the statement was delivered to the client(s) invited to the portal. The statement goes out to the email(s) that have been invited to the client portal and the client can view the attachment from inside their email!
7. Scroll to the bottom of the statement to see balances based on the filters you chose.
Good to Know: The statement headings are a plus for practitioners who want to print and send hard copies to clients. The statement formatting is based on a windowed #10 envelope, perfect for mailing.